(Recipients) Receive Confidential Vesting or Vested Tokens

From the token holder (recipient point of view) here’s a step-by-step guide on how to ensure you receive your vesting token stream:

  1. Head to the Singularity dapp here

  2. On the left-hand side once head to “DeFi Trading” and select Sablier

  3. Select the “Transfer Stream” tab

  4. In this case you are the recipient, click “Receiver” and you should see the instructions on what to do in order to successfully receive the transfer from the sender.

  5. As a receiver, the first thing you are going to do is select “Generate” which will generate two items: one will be the code you provide to the sender and the second will be a private note that will represent the amount transferred to you after the sender completes the transfer.

  6. As aforementioned, you and the sender will have to communicate the one-off code you generated so the sender knows where to send the stream to.

  7. Now the recipient will send this one-off code to the sender.

  8. Now the sender has everything they need to send the recipient their stream.

  9. Once sent the receiver can check the status under the “Transfer Stream” tab where it says “Transfer Status Check” to verify if it came through or not.

Now you have successfully received your stream via Singularity without leaving any public on-chain footprints.

Last updated