LP (Removing Liquidity)

In addition to adding liquidity, removing liquidity is also a common practice in the DeFi realm.

Video Tutorial:

  1. On the left-hand side select ‘DeFi Trading’.

  2. Ensure Remove Liquidity is highlighted

  1. Add the note used to add liquidity so the platform knows what you want to remove.

  2. Once you add the note it will populate your liquidity position and prompt you to withdraw.

  1. Once you hit continue, a pop-up should appear providing a new temporary private note. Copy, download, and add to the Note Management Tool for your safekeeping and records. As a reminder, if you lose this private note it’s akin to losing your private key. The temporary note will be used during unforeseen situations like an internet shutdown or computer freeze that interrupts the transaction because it can be confirmed on-chain.

  2. Hit proceed and there should be a step about getting the final private note once the transaction is confirmed on-chain.

  3. Once confirmed, the liquidity should have successfully been removed.

Last updated