LP (Adding Liquidity)

Using the Singularity interface and platform users can access liquidity from a variety of liquidity pools. Here’s a step-by-step guide alongside a video tutorial on how to add liquidity:

  1. On the left-hand side select ‘DeFi Trading’.

  2. At the top select ‘Add Liquidity’.

  1. Add liquidity directly by accessing Uniswap or a comparable platform - the user needs to possess both tokens of the trading pair.

  2. Select fee tier, price ranges, etc as per usual LPing process.

  3. The user then needs to paste both private notes either manually or via the Note Management Tool corresponding to the two tokens in the trading pair the user is adding liquidity to which were either previously deposited, traded, or received.

  4. Upon entering the amount for the first token, the DeFi application automatically calculates the required equivalent for the second token, enhancing transaction efficiency. Singularity will automatically split the second note into the exact amount required for the LP. The leftover amount will be in a new note that you can use in subsequent trades.

  5. If everything is done correctly, the following image is what it should look like prior to initiating Adding Liquidity

  1. Hit the continue button and a pop-up will appear asking for a new temporary private note. As a reminder, if this secret note is lost, it is akin to losing the private key. The temporary note will be used during unforeseen situations like an internet shutdown or computer freeze that interrupts the transaction before it can be confirmed on-chain.

  2. Hit proceed and there should be a step about getting the final private note once the transaction is confirmed on-chain.

  3. Once it has been finalized, the user has successfully added liquidity and protected their commercial confidentiality

Last updated