KYC (zkMe) for accessing Arbitrum

zkMe created a video to show you how as well:

This guide is on how to KYC via our partner zkMe network on Arbitrum via Singularity. If you are an individual, you should go through the KYC (Know Your Customer) process. If you are an institution, you should complete the KYB (Know Your Business) process.

Let's begin with the step-by-step guide on how to complete this process:

  1. Firstly, head on over to Singularity

  2. You will see an orange bar that says "Verify your Identity." Make sure you click that

Important to note: If you don’t want to KYC or KYB, sgTokens will be made available on decentralized marketplaces soon, which will also have reward points tied to them.

3. Click the orange bar and click zkMe as indicated by the image below

4. Click start verification as indicated in the image below

5. Then you will be prompted to scan a QR code and you can complete the KYC process. Once completed, you will receive an email confirmation and will be granted access to using the Singularity protocol.

6. In the image below indicate how you’d like to make an account whether it’s via email, Apple, or Google.

7. Click verify now to continue the KYC process

8. Select your ID type

9. You will be prompted next to scan your selected identification, followed by a liveness test so make sure you activate your camera.

10. If done correctly you should be verified promptly and will receive an email in the email you signed up with indicated in the image below:

11. Head to thezkMe App: to authorize this service and mint an SBT, which will enable your wallet address access to Singularity.

You have now completed KYC and are free to earn reward points with Singularity!

Last updated