KYB (Keyring Network)

If you are an entity or have an entity then you should go through the KYB (Know Your Business) process. If you are an individual then you should complete the KYC (Know Your Customer) process. Please proceed with the following steps to complete KYB and if any questions you can reach out to @Jonahzks on Telegram or email

Important key points to consider:

  • It's important to note that we never see any of our users' information, rather our protocol receives an API call indicating that the wallet or wallets are approved and verified to use Singularity.

  • The wallet used for onboarding will be considered the Master Wallet, acting as a log-in mechanism. Think of this as the master key to all of the different wallets users want to KYC/KYB.

  • Once verified, using different wallets called Trading Wallets is as easy as toggling the non-custodial wallet and then connecting back to the Singularity protocol, but these need to be verified through the master wallet on Keyring.

    • Don't lose access to this wallet, all users will need it to access or edit their identity information in the future.

Step 1: Visit the Singularity app here.

Step 2: Connect your wallet just as you normally would with a DeFi application. We support Wallet Connect, MetaMask, and Fireblocks with more on the way. If this is the first time using Singularity, you should see a widget in the bottom right in yellow. This indicates you have not completed verification yet.

Step 3: Click the widget and select "Get Credentials." Follow the instructions to complete the KYB process with Keyring to gain your credentials.

The widget's color will change to turquoise once the wallet is attested to be compliant, and access will be granted.

Step 4: You should be prompted to Keyring's website. If not you can click here. Click sign-in and should prompt a signature via your connected wallet. Step 5: Ensure you have selected credentials on the left-hand side and then select "Start onboarding" under Singularity.

Step 6: Select business or organization since this is the KYB userflow.

Step 7: Enter in the legal entity name.

Step 8: In order to be aware of the KYB progress, completion, or additions please enter your email address.

Step 9: Enter relevant contact information.

Step 10: Fill out the following fields as it pertains to your entity.

Step 11: Continue to fill out relevant information as it pertains to your entity.

Step 12: Continue to answer questions as it pertains to your entity.

Step 13: Attach and upload relevant documents as prompted in the following image.

Step 14: Now via the link below you will be prompted to do a standard KYC procedure. Follow the prompted steps via the link provided.

Step 15: Upload your desired form of idenfitication as prompted in the following image.

Step 16: If you see the following image, you have successfully uploaded the proper documents. You should receive an email with confirmation and an update soon to gain your credentials.

Last updated