How to Withdraw?
This guide breaks down how to withdraw your sgToken(s) from Singularity to your wallet (i.e Metamask, Fireblocks, etc)
You are likely on this page because you have previously deposited and have already commenced staking with Singularity.
Now that you have successfully deposited and locked your assets into Singularity, your sgTokens should be safely stored in the Notes Management Tool Google Chrome Extension.
If you wish, you can make these sgTokens—whether sgETH, sgUSDC, sgUSDT, or another sgToken—accessible via your connected and KYC/KYB-compliant wallet to either verify you own these tokens or for additional liquidity via our partners [COMING SOON].
Here's a supplemental video on how to withdraw:
Let’s go through the withdraw steps:
Head to the Singularity App
On the left-hand side make sure you have selected: “Deposit and Withdraw” as indicated in the image below
3. In this case, we will want to ensure we select “Withdraw”
4. Select “Add” as indicated in the image below and then hit “Use Note Mgmt”
5. This will open up the Notes Management Tool Google Chrome Extension
6. Select the sgToken you want to withdraw by clicking “use this note” like the one I highlighted in the following image:
7. Once you select “Use this note” it will prompt you to enter “Recipient Address” which is required to be a KYC/KYB verified wallet. If you need a new address to complete KYC or KYB you can follow the steps here.
8. Once entered, hit continue and sign the transaction that was prompted via your connected wallet
9. Another screen will appear detailing your withdrawal details. If all looks okay, hit “proceed with withdraw”
10. Once your withdrawal is complete the sgToken(s) should appear in your wallet i.e Metamask. If not please select “Import tokens” which can be found under tokens in your wallet. The contract addresses to be added can be found in our Gitbook here.
You are now free to use sgTokens wherever supported and will continue to accrue Singularity reward points!
Last updated