How to participate?
How to Participate in Compliant Staking: (Click the hyperlinks to get more detailed step-by-step instructions)
KYB/KYC Compliance: Users must complete a Know Your Business (KYB) or Know Your Customer (KYC) to gain access to Singularity.
For individuals: KYC with Keyring Network to access Ethereum
For individuals: KYC with zkMe to access Arbitrum
For entities: KYB with Quadrata to access Arbitrum
For entities: KYB with Keyring Network to access Arbitrum
If you don't want to KYC or KYB, sgTokens will be made available on decentralized marketplaces soon, which also have reward points tied to them.
Deposit, Lock, and Mint Assets: Deposit, lock your native assets (e.g., ETH) into the Singularity smart contract, and for every unit of native asset locked, mint an equivalent sgToken (e.g., sgETH).
Two ways exist to deposit, lock, and mint assets to commence Compliant Staking with Singularity.
Withdrawal sgTokens: To use the sgToken(s) in permissionless pools outside of Singularity, you will need to withdraw them to make them visible in your wallet.
Redemption: For users who are done staking with Singularity and want to convert their sgToken(s) back to their native form (e.g., sgETH to ETH), they will need to burn the sgToken(s).
There are two ways to redeem: [step-by-step guide coming soon]
For users who have their sgTokens stored in the Notes Management Tool in the Singularity contract as indicated by the image below
Or they have previously withdrawn their sgToken(s) into their public wallet address (i.e Metamask)
Last updated